Tuesday 22 April 2008

An uneasy peace

Things seem to have settled down. We now have two separate herds.

Duc (front) and Valentine are facing away from Pedro, which suggests that they are being submissive. Pedro, meanwhile, paces up and down the fence line, with a "you looking at me?" expression. And young Ana is just mystified that everyone is no longer friendly . . .

When Duc or Valentine approach the dividing line - which they are still doing a lot, albeit tentatively - Pedro instantly adopts an aggressive stance. with ears back. Valentine has his forward, which in this case shows non-aggression. Duc has not yet managed to get so close, no doubt because he can't be so placatory. Valentine is really just a nice wimp! Fatma, the cause of all the problem, smirks in the background.

Things can't carry on like this, if only because Valentine and Duc now only have a very small area which is pretty grass-free. Now we have to get a load more fence posts and start work on some of the 'rough' land which we have agreed to buy.

Roll on the wheat harvest, when we can take over all the nice flat land. Shame it will have only stubble on it, rather than fresh grass to eat!
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