Thursday 12 June 2008

Relocation update

I was worried last night that Ana would not have settled down with Duc/Valentine. Things started well, but deteriorated. This video shows them tolerating each other - but then at 32 seconds there is the best shot I have seen of a llama spitting to warn another off.

Everyone seems to know that llamas spit - and we have learned that there are many degrees and types of this behaviour (that's got to be worth a post of its own in due course). This case was at the mildest end, and Duc was only being assertive about his personal space. However, by mid afternoon, Ana was refusing to stay near the other two, and she would not come to me for any tempting food either. I returned several times to the field and eventually, late in the evening, I was delighted to see the three of them grazing together.

This morning, all three were quickly down to the catch pen to eat some concentrate. Although there was obviously still some tension, they were content to be in a pretty small space together, and all three allowed us to touch them.

When they had eaten a snack, they were happy to return to the field as a group.

Ana does seem to be settling in. Within a week I think theyll be hanging round together like best mates . . . .

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