Monday 27 October 2008

A baby at last!

After weeks and weeks of wondering where Elif's baby had got to . . . . Is she really pregnant or just getting amazingly fat? . . . . . This morning, without fuss, she gave birth to a female cria

Within a couple of hours, the baby (as yet un-named) was staggering round and working out how to suckle from her mother. More pictures later, and video of the baby's antics.


Anonymous said...

wow that has been one long pregnancy!!!! brilliant news though. Claire x

Lovely's Blot said...

Congratulations to the proud parents! She must have sensed that winter is not far off!

Anonymous said...

She looks really cute. What day did she come? Have you chosen a name yet? her legs are very thin.


Anonymous said...

why does she have a red rash? have you chosen a name yet? lots of love alex xxxxxxx