Tuesday 22 April 2008

What's in a name? (part 3)

Well, the baby is now two weeks old, and she has to be named . . .

As always, we've agonised over this, and given it the systematic overkill. We thought that we should establish some sort of 'theme', so that future babies would have names that linked them together. So, Val has gone through all the lists of French girls' names she can find. The internet has been trawled for ideas. I guess we knew that when we hit on the right one we would know it (perhaps our approach to all of this new life is really just systematic stumbling?).

We've chosen a name which has French and Peruvian connections: Capucine. This is pronounced ca-poo-seen, and is the French word for Nasturtium. Our trusty French dictionary tells us that the nasturtium was introduced to France from Peru. Neat? Or just a little obsessive?

So the theme is to be flower names, although Val has pointed out that this would be a bit wimpy for the males, so we might have to have something more macho for any potential studs. But then what if they are castrated? Sexism gets much more complicated in the world of the gelded . . . . .

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Anonymous said...

Hi Val,

Love the recent entries - pictures are great!

Did think Capucine was a type of coffee though.....:-)

Loved your comment about after market exhausts, by the way!

Hi to Simon!

Col x

Marcus said...

Also close to Capuchin, itself of French origin... so another naming strategy (esp for boys) would be to go for different orders of Francisan friar...


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. The llamas are really cute and the names are funny. Robyn