Wednesday 7 May 2008

A much better day!

After a restless night (that's me rather than Duc and Valentine - as I couldn't get images of wandering llamas out of my mind, and dreamed of being woken up by an incomprehensible Frenchman shouting something about llamas and destruction), we got up early and went straight over to the Rough Land.

As we walked up the track to the land, my pulse rate was high and I was trying to work out what to do if no llamas were there . . . . . . Quite a relief to see two familiar faces looking over the gate with the usual anticipation of something nice to eat.

We had a wander around the land to see how well the llamas had settled in, and it was clear that they were still exploring, but with much more confidence than last night. I still expect to see them disappearing through the fence at any moment. Why do I have so little confidence in my workmanship? Could it be it's because I have no idea what I am doing? Bluffing was fine in my job, here it seems altogether more risky!

Duc and Valentine behave very differently on this land. I think they are much more natural, and happy to be released from the confined and bare land where they had little to do and they were oppressed by their stud neighbour and his harem of their former friends . . . . .

Their 'conversation' is very active at the moment, and they're also moving around very quickly at times. Hopefully, over the next few days, we'll get the chance to just sit and watch . . . .

Oh, I forgot, there's Ana to catch, halter and move before we can relax. I wonder what the next challenge will be?

More from the everyday tale of llama folk in due course . . . . .

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