Friday 2 May 2008

Pedro does his stuff

Just when we were beginning to think Pedro had settled for the role of herd Couch Potato, and was never going to live up to his pre-purchase reputation as a 'proven stud male', a passing glance through the binoculars on a sunny evening at the end of a day's hard work revealed a sight for sore eyes.

Yes, here indeed were Pedro and Fatma totally engaged in the charming activity of llama-mating, in full view of the whole village. The versatile Field Shelter took on yet another guise as the happy couple decided to do the deed just yards from the road and the passing public, in the comfort of the herd's hanging-out spot.

Being the sick and twisted individuals we are, we grabbed a camera, jumped in the car, and headed up to capture the moment for posterity (and the blog). Unfortunately, the little camera, that can also film short videos, had a full memory card, and so we are unable to bring you coverage of this exciting event in full action and sound. Which is a real shame, because the noise that Pedro kept up during the 30 minute process was a Thing worth sharing.

On reflection though, it's probably no bad thing. Even these stills seem somehow too rude a portrayal of such an intimate moment. Jolly interesting though. And to be fair, neither Pedro nor Fatma seemed the least bit bothered by any of the attentions their activity attracted. Little Capucine was either very curious, or just very keen for Mum to finish all these strange goings-on and stand up for the next milk delivery. Ana came to have a look and get an inkling of what will come her way in the not-too-distant future, if she doesn't let up on the relentless flirting she engages in with Pedro on a regular basis.

Whilst Pedro was totally engrossed in doing his stuff, Fatma looked a little bored, and we couldn't help thinking she'd chosen this position close to the fence and facing the village, so she'd have something to watch to help pass the time. Thinking of England maybe?

On the other side of the fence - despite all the previous argey-bargey over Who was the Biggest, Strongest, Sexiest Stud in the World - Duc and Valentine went about their business with only the occasional glance in the direction of the action. Duc actually seemed more interested in reaching some very juicy little leaves high up in a tree - but then again, maybe he was just pretending not to care.


lucy said...


It was lovely to see you - hope that next time we will get to see the llamas, too.

Lovely also to read this blog all at once and get a more detailed view of what you've been doing. To state the obvious, it looks like a huge amount of hard work.

The Spanish have a lovely verb which I think describes quite well the state of mind required for concentrating on This Step and not freaking out - they say "abstraerse", which I am sure you can work out means something like "abstract oneself". LluĂ­s does this practically whenever he undertakes any arduous task. I - like you, Val - am still in the learning process! I think that with the intensive course you are on you will soon be a guru, though!

better follow your fine example and do some work,
love, Lucy xx

Anonymous said...

Whey Heyyyyy!

He shoots, he scores! Oh what a beauty!

How would you feel being filmed "in the act" though....?

Second thoughts - dont answer that! :-)

Speak soon!
Col xx