Friday 25 July 2008

Fencing and neighbours

We have the fence posts and the galvanised netting to construct a boundary around the garden. This is needed before we get the chickens, partly to keep away animals like dogs and foxes during the day, and partly to stop the chickens roaming into our neighbours' land. We particularly don't want to annoy the mayor, whose garden adjoins ours.

Also we don't want to worsen relationships with our other neighbour, whose son we are challenging for the right to buy the additional land. All very complex, but when we went to see the SAFER yesterday, we had a really useful conversation with one of their staff. He suggested that we should try to reach a compromise with our 'rival' as the two of us were the only people to have applied to buy the land. He's intending to set up a meeting with us both next week – so I need to have broached the topic with the rival before then.

Stress inducing, but I guess all will turn out well. The key is to be able to feel positively about whatever the outcome is . . . .

Anyway, we have also found that we can get chickens from the same supplier when he comes to Limoux (only 5 miles away) every Friday morning. This means that the arrival of the chickens has been postponed from this Saturday to the following Friday – and I have more time for the fencing. Very welcome, considering the current heatwave, which makes the idea of hard work outside in the middle of the day very unattractive!

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