Wednesday 2 July 2008

A summer morning update

It was a beautiful morning - at least it was before breakfast when we were up with the llamas, before it became really hot and windy . . . .

The three walkers (soon to be walkers in a real sense, if we can get ourselves organised for some expeditions next week when Lily and Alfie come to stay) are having a great time on the rough land. (Yes, I know, you're all waiting for Val's promised Pooh-corner map . . . . it's coming, slowly).

You can see that they've eaten and rolled their way to a nice flat area, where they spend much of the day surveying the countryside. They seem really relaxed together, and it's a very calm place to spend time.

Then on to the breeders . . .

You remember Pedro, the stud who suddenly attacked all male llamas in sight, and who would not let himself be touched by anyone?

Well, Val has been working her charms on him for a while now. And her skill and persistence has paid off, so that he will now (literally) eat out of her hand. More than that, she has managed to remove the halter he has been wearing since April. More even than that, he'll even allow a bit of a cuddle while he eats his breakfast!

Is there no end to this woman's talents?

Well, next she is to tackle aloof Elif, who is right at the top of the llama hierarchy, and makes all the others quiver with just a glance or a snort.

She's actually a beautiful llama, with a perfect straight back, and great poise.

She specialises in reaching the tender leaves high up in trees, and has recently taken to bending young oaks over with her neck, even allowing the other females to get in for a nibble while she holds the upper branches in reach.

I can't wait to see what sort of baby Elif produces. She is pregnant by Pedro, and should be giving birth sometime in August. Apparently, you know when females are within a few weeks of delivery when their teats enlarge. Of course, Elif is far too proud to allow anyone to get close for a look at her teats, so we can be seen occasionally sneaking up on her for a crafty glimpse. . . . .

Capucine, who really could do with a sibling to play with, still runs around like a loony most evenings. She manages to bounce across the field, as though she is using pogo sticks - video to follow, with luck, but so far we've just stood open-mouthed watching her perform! She is partially weaned, and eats hay and vegetation, but still doesn't take any concentrate from us. However, she is now very happy to be stroked each morning, and shows every sign of becoming as friendly and biddable as the delightful Ana.

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