Thursday 17 July 2008

Tour de France

Today Sumi and I went to see the Tour de France. For me this has become something of an annual event, as it always comes somewhere within easy reach of our village.

It's an amazing mixture of tatty commercialism and brief sighting of a mass of athletes. But it's such a French institution that somehow it carries it off successfully, and everyone who spectates seems to have a great time. One of the strangest features is the 'caravan' - a succession of bizarre floats advertising the Tour sponsors. From these, you get showered with freebies, like hats, keyrings, bags. And we came home with a shed-load, thanks to Sumi's enthusiastic dancing and waving . . .

The road is closed for about two hours, and the riders go by in about 40 seconds. And no-one minds!

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